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A Study on the Effectiveness of Metaphor in Image Advertisements
作者 陳如瑀胡齊元
廣告主要目的為計畫性地激發潛在消費者的購買行為,進一步影響消費者對廣告產品的態度或想法。根據過去的研究,在廣告的說服過程中「隱喻」為極熱門且有效的手法,隱喻透過其趣味性激發觀者對於品牌的好奇,並刺激大腦對訊息進行更深度的處理(MacInnis, Moorman and Jaworski, 1991)。為達成廣告目的,受眾必須對廣告中的隱喻手法有一定程度之理解(Stern, 1988),但事實上,並不是所有受眾對於廣告的解讀都能達到業主所預期。因此,本研究基於隱喻手法強度牽動受眾對於廣告之理解程度,針對隱喻強度的不同對於廣告效果之差異進行探討,並參考McCabe於1988 年的研究,將隱喻強度區分為「具體」及「抽象」兩個層級。研究實驗設計以隱喻程度的高低為自變項,檢定依變項中消費者對於產品之廣告價值、品牌態度與購買意願的影響;根據問卷調查之統計結果,隱喻強度差異對於廣告效果中的品牌態度與購買意願兩構面之影響達統計的顯著差異,並顯示對於相同廣告物而言,隱喻強度較高者對於廣告效果的成效較理想。
The main purpose of advertising is to stimulate thepurchase behavior of potential consumers in a planned wayand influence their attitudes or thoughts on the advertisedproducts. According to past research, 'metaphor' is apopular and effective method in the persuasion process ofads, metaphor can also stimulate deeper levels of processingbecause of their interest value and because they stimulatecuriosity about the brand(MacInnis, Moorman and Jaworski,1991). To achieve the purpose of ads, the audience musthave a certain degree of understanding of the metaphorsof ads(Stem, 1988), unfortunately, not all audiencescould interpret advertisements as expected from the owners.Therefore, based on the degree of metaphor affect theaudience's understanding of advertising, this study wouldbe discussing the discrepancy in advertising effectivenessaccording to the different metaphor degree, refers to McCabe'sresearch in 1988, which divided metaphorical degree into twolevels: 'concrete' and 'abstract'. The experimental design ofthe research uses the degree of metaphor as the independentvariable and examines the dependent variable, the influenceof consumers on the advertisement value, brand attitude, andpurchase intention of the product. According to the statisticalresults of the survey, the difference in metaphorical degree hasa statistically significant result in brand attitude and purchaseintention and shows that for the same product, the one with ahigher metaphorical degree has better advertising effectiveness.
起訖頁 290-297
關鍵詞 隱喻視覺修辭廣告效果MetaphorVisual RhetoricAdvertising Effectiveness
刊名 中華印刷科技年報  
期數 202205 (2022期)
出版單位 社團法人中華印刷科技學會
該期刊-上一篇 「前線金門」紀實攝影創作論述
該期刊-下一篇 運用評價構造法,探討幽默性插畫之魅力因子研究




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