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Quemoy on the Front Line”On the Creation of Documentary Photography
作者 溫志維
自從1949 年開始,金門成為台灣與中國大陸對峙的最前線,金門12 個大小島嶼曾經擔負長達43 年之久的重要戰地防線,至1992 年軍事管制解除後,才開始走向發展觀光產業的新時期;2001 年金門島與廈門島開始啟動「小三通」,因此金門地區成為兩岸交流的重要地點。70 年來金門不斷蛻變,現成為一個值得海內外人士來觀光旅遊的勝地。有許多的戰爭軍事景點、宗教建築景點、文化資產景點、自然景點與公園等景觀。還有林林總總的風獅爺護佑在金門各聚落的重要出入口,象徵「鎮風止煞」的意涵,亦成為特有的金門文化地景。作者運用當代紀實攝影(DocumentaryPhotography)中與當代藝術相同的創作觀點,結合藝術與美學,編導拍攝金門的地方文化特色,再結合德國「杜塞道夫攝影學派」(The Dusseldorf School ofPhotography)的「客觀攝影」(Objective Photography)之攝影論述進行攝影理念發想及創作。
Since 1949, Kinmen has been the frontline betweenRepublic of China and People Republic of China, andplayed the role of battleground for about 50 years. It hasstarted developing its tourism industry after the lifting ofmilitary control at 1992. Kinmen has been transformingfor 70 years and now is a scenic spot which worth a visit.There are many war attractions, religious architectures,cultural heritages, and natural parks. Also, various kindsof Fengshiye, which called Wind Lion God as well,guard the windward slope of villages in Kinmen. Theyare believed to hold special power that can avert evil andbring good fortunes to inhabitants of an entire village,and become the unique cultural landscape of Kinmen.The artist adopted the shared perspectives betweendocumentary photography and contemporary art,combining art and aesthetics to stage and photograph thelocal culture in Kinmen. Furthermore, his conceptual andcreative process also incorporated the theory of ObjectivePhotography from the Dusseldorf School of Photography.
起訖頁 276-289
關鍵詞 紀實攝影杜塞道夫攝影學派當代攝影藝術地景Documentary PhotographyThe DusseldorfSchool of PhotographyContemporaryPhotographic ArtLandscape
刊名 中華印刷科技年報  
期數 202205 (2022期)
出版單位 社團法人中華印刷科技學會
該期刊-上一篇 商業資訊圖表之設計認知模式研究
該期刊-下一篇 隱喻手法應用於影像廣告效果研究




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