英文摘要 |
It is an efficient way to cool off in the summer with arefreshing popsicle which you can get in any conveniencestore nearby. Speaking of the popsicle (also called as Kia-ping in Taiwanese), it is one of the most signature icedessert in Taiwan and we also have a lot of traditionalflavors such as azuki bean and peanut in the old days.Today, there is a diverse selection of ice pop made aroundthe world. People can get it easily in Taiwan’s four mainconvenience stores: 7-11, Family Mart, OK Mart and Hi-Life.With global warming and the change of human’seating behavior, the demands for iced products increasegreatly. The food industry started producing more kindsof iced products, providing more options and giving moresurprise to the consumers.Regardless the brands, producttypes, flavors or any previous purchasing experiences,this study is to analyze consumers’ desire and theirbuying behavior towards iced products based on the colordesign of packaging only. The motive of this paper is toidentify the factors affecting consumer buying behaviortowards popsicles based on their preference of color. Thedata for this study has been collected through interviewsand questionnaire and findings have been theoreticallypresented. The paper reveals that consumer behavior islargely affected by the association between color andflavors. Color calls forth consumer’s identificationof taste and finally effects their desire to consume. Thegoal of this project is to applicate the results of researchto increase consumer’s buying desire among thepackaging design of ice pop products. |