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中華印刷科技年報 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

Consumer Preference towards Ice Popsicles Packaging-A Study Based on The Four Main Convenience Stores in Taiwan
作者 賴思縈洪明宏
炎炎夏日裡,能夠在任一家便利商店買到一支冰涼解熱的冰棒,既消暑又便利。台灣的冰棒又名為枝仔冰,是台灣最具特色的冰品之一。以前的口味選擇簡單,包含紅豆、花生等傳統風味;而現今的冰品種類五花八門,眾多品項都可以在臺灣的各大超商如7-Eleven、全家便利商店、OK 超商及萊爾富中找到。隨著全球氣候變遷及飲食習慣變化,消費者對冰類產品需求更甚以往,世界各地冰品業者也紛紛研發生產各式產品,希望帶給民眾更多選擇與驚奇。本計畫主題欲著重產品包裝色彩,排除品牌及企業形象、商品種類及口味與其他消費經驗等影響因素,單純分析包裝的色彩如何影響消費者選擇及購買行為。本研究動機為探索包裝色彩如何影響消費行為。透過調查與訪談,分析消費者對臺灣品牌冰品包裝的喜好配色,並了解大多消費者是透過包裝配色聯想產品口味進而選購自己所喜好的商品。此研究目的希望能將研究結果運用於產品包裝設計,以提升消費者購買慾。
It is an efficient way to cool off in the summer with arefreshing popsicle which you can get in any conveniencestore nearby. Speaking of the popsicle (also called as Kia-ping in Taiwanese), it is one of the most signature icedessert in Taiwan and we also have a lot of traditionalflavors such as azuki bean and peanut in the old days.Today, there is a diverse selection of ice pop made aroundthe world. People can get it easily in Taiwan’s four mainconvenience stores: 7-11, Family Mart, OK Mart and Hi-Life.With global warming and the change of human’seating behavior, the demands for iced products increasegreatly. The food industry started producing more kindsof iced products, providing more options and giving moresurprise to the consumers.Regardless the brands, producttypes, flavors or any previous purchasing experiences,this study is to analyze consumers’ desire and theirbuying behavior towards iced products based on the colordesign of packaging only. The motive of this paper is toidentify the factors affecting consumer buying behaviortowards popsicles based on their preference of color. Thedata for this study has been collected through interviewsand questionnaire and findings have been theoreticallypresented. The paper reveals that consumer behavior islargely affected by the association between color andflavors. Color calls forth consumer’s identificationof taste and finally effects their desire to consume. Thegoal of this project is to applicate the results of researchto increase consumer’s buying desire among thepackaging design of ice pop products.
起訖頁 229-238
關鍵詞 冰棒包裝包裝色彩色彩喜好Iced Products PackagingColor of PackagingPreference of Color
刊名 中華印刷科技年報  
期數 202205 (2022期)
出版單位 社團法人中華印刷科技學會
該期刊-上一篇 混合實境遊戲學習沉浸程度──心流經驗與學習動機之探討
該期刊-下一篇 台灣市售水果口味酒精飲料之視覺意象與色彩研究




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