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Visual imagery and color of fruitflavored alcoholic beverages on the market in Taiwan
作者 王嘉翎洪明宏
台灣市面上售有多款本土啤酒,2002 年前只有台灣菸酒股份有限公司所生產的「台灣啤酒」,至今增加十幾種在地品牌,其所設置之服務據點與行銷通路發達,提供消費者購買之便利性,因此在眾多本土品牌與啤酒種類中,如何透過包裝設計與配色吸引消費者注意與選擇商品,已成為設計與行銷之重要議題。本研究調查範圍以超商、超市等五大販售據點進行資料蒐集,篩選出四大本土品牌進行水果口味酒精飲料分析,不討論商品材質與瓶身外型,著重整體包裝色彩與視覺圖像設計,以文獻探討與問卷調查之方式進行,用以得知吸引消費者購買水果口味酒精飲料之因素,以及圖像、色彩對於消費者而言之感受,探討市售酒精飲料包裝配色及視覺圖像設計之形式,並將研究結果加以歸納分析,供以後續相關設計、行銷或研究使用。
Before 2002, there were only 'Taiwan beer'produced by Taiwan Alcohol & Tobacco Co., LTD. Nowthere are more than a dozen local brands. The servicebase and marketing channels established by Taiwan Beerare developed, providing consumers with convenienceto buy. Therefore, among many local brands and beertypes, How to attract consumers' attention and chooseproducts through packaging design and color matchinghas become an important issue in design and marketing.This research scope to convenience store, supermarketand so on five big selling point for information gathering,screening four major domestic brands of fruit tastealcohol analysis, don't discuss commodity material andbody appearance, on the whole packaging color andvisual image design, and on the basis of literature reviewand questionnaire survey to learn that attract consumersto buy fruit flavors of alcoholic beverages, As well as thefeelings of images and colors to consumers, the paperdiscusses the color matching and visual image designof the packaging of alcoholic beverages on the market,and summarizes and analyzes the research results forsubsequent related design, marketing or research.
起訖頁 239-248
關鍵詞 酒精飲料視覺圖像包裝色彩Alcoholic beveragesvisual imagespackaging colors
刊名 中華印刷科技年報  
期數 202205 (2022期)
出版單位 社團法人中華印刷科技學會
該期刊-上一篇 冰棒包裝色彩之消費者喜好調查──以台灣四大超商為例
該期刊-下一篇 防疫海報圖像訊息之視覺傳達性研究




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