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A Study of Developent of the Independent Publication, Comic World Taiwan.
作者 鐘奇君廖珮玲
同人文化在臺灣已經有了三十年的發展歷史,創作者們會透過自費出版的方式獨立出版刊物與同好進行交流,而同好間的交流集會經過消費動作促成商業活動,演變成了同人誌販售會,但在近年同人活動的因多樣化而產生了諸多問題。所謂的「同人誌」,原來的意思是指同好間共同創作出版的書籍、刊物,而放到現今大多是作為動漫畫的二次創作刊物產出。在內容上有分為「原創派」及「衍生派」,現在所看到的大部分同人誌是在未有版權方授權的情況下而產出,這些同人作品是以原本作品的世界觀或角色人物等設定為基底進行衍生創作,因此同人誌的內容其實是涉及到著作權問題的。研究者從參與同人活動至今發現極少有同人誌電子書,發現這現象也與著作權有著關聯性。  在臺灣的出版環境中,獨立出版小誌「Zine」跟同人誌有著相似的性質,創作形式自由、少量印製,且只流通在自己的小圈子不與出版社等商業機構合作,同人誌和Zine 與一般出版刊物的界定方式可以說是非商業性質的出版刊物。本研究會先從同人誌的誕生開始,探討漫畫文化的歷史,也就是同人文化的發源地—日本,再到臺灣同人文化的歷程發展,討論關於臺灣的獨立出版,並探究為什麼同人誌會是一塊灰色地帶,同人誌在臺灣的出版環境是位居什麼樣的位子。  本研究方法為文獻分析法及參與觀察法,主要針對現今同人創作與同人誌販售會為兩大元素,並了解目前同人誌創作者亦或是消費者的著作版權認知,探討臺灣同人活動還能有什麼樣的發展規劃。希望藉由本論文能給予後續加入同人文化的創作者和相關產業人士建議與啟發。
In Taiwan, the culture of homo sapienshas been developing for 30 years, with creatorspublishing independently through self-publishing andcommunicating with their peers, while the exchangesbetween peers have evolved into commercial activitiesthrough consumer actions, and have become homosapiens magazines. The term 'fanzine' originally referredto books and publications created by fellow fans, butnowadays it is mostly produced as a secondary creationof anime and manga. In terms of content, there are twoschools of thought: 'original' and 'derivative'. Most ofthe works we see nowadays are produced without theauthorisation of the copyright holder, and are based onthe world view or character settings of the original work.The researcher has found that there are very few e-booksof the same work since he has been involved in the sameactivity, and finds that this phenomenon is also related tocopyright.In Taiwan's publishing environment, theindependently published zine is similar in nature to thehomoerotic zine in that it is freely created, printed insmall quantities, and circulated only in its own smallcircle without collaboration with publishers and othercommercial organisations. This study will begin with thebirth of the zine, explore the history of manga culture, thebirthplace of zine culture in Japan, and the developmentof zine culture in Taiwan, discuss the independentpublishing in Taiwan, and explore why zines are a greyarea and the position of zines in Taiwan's publishingenvironment. This study will use in-depth interviews andquestionnaires to survey the participants of the fanzinefairs, and to select those who are willing and experiencedin creative writing to conduct interviews. It is hoped thatthis paper will provide advice and inspiration to creatorsand related industry players who will later join thecommunity.
起訖頁 155-174
關鍵詞 同人文化二次創作同人誌販售會獨立出版著作權homoerotic culturesecondary creationhomoerotic magazinesindependent publishingcopyright
刊名 中華印刷科技年報  
期數 202205 (2022期)
出版單位 社團法人中華印刷科技學會
該期刊-上一篇 以系統性文獻回顧發展圖文教材,輔助單板滑雪課堂側錄之關鍵元素
該期刊-下一篇 消費者對閱讀漫畫偏好之研究




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