英文摘要 |
Lecture recording is a useful tool in physicaleducation. However, inexperienced learners may notbe able to identify key points in video and becomedistracted. The purpose of this study was to developguidelines for “Cue Cards of Snowboarding LectureRecording” to improve users’ learning motivation.Though a systematic literature review, this paper retained293 YouTube snowboarding tutorial videos, coded theuser comments and video descriptions for argumentativeand knowledge construction to explore what resonateswith learners’ learning motivation. Out findings revealthat 54% of the selected videos were covered by threechannels; The most frequent learning motivation factorsin user comment were task awareness, self-efficacy, andlearning value; while 70% of the keywords in the videotitle were about learning value, indicating that the mostimportant motivation factor for learning in the videotitles was learning value, by emphasizing learning value,users could be attracted to the video contents, and if thecontent was relevant to their own experiences, users tendto response actively, leading to a deep learning . |