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中華印刷科技年報 本站僅提供期刊文獻檢索。

Key factors of Developing Cue Cardsof Snowboarding Lecture Recording- A Systematic Review of SnowboardTutorial Videos
作者 李慈芃
技能動作教學常以課程側錄回顧動作表現,然缺乏資訊引導的側錄影片若學習者先備知識不足,觀看時則無法判斷觀察重點而容易失去學習專注。圖文教材如何輔助教學現場未經剪輯之課程錄影?本文旨在由學習者角度,以系統性文獻回顧篩選YouTube 平台上具代表性單板滑雪網路教學影片,分析使用者評論關鍵字語意,探討引起「學習動機」元素,作為「發展圖文教材輔助單板滑雪課堂側錄影片」之依據。研究結果發現:一、具代表性的293 支單板滑雪教學影片,54% 影片來自三個主要頻道;二、「學習動機」分為學習價值、任務認知、自我效能、結果期望、與意志力,影片資訊呈現在影片標題(71%)與內容描述(55%)使用文字之語意集中於強調學習價值,顯示影片標題彰顯學習價值是最能吸引使用者觀看影片之方式;三、使用者評論中最常表現「學習動機」的語意則為任務認知(36%)、自我效能(31%)、與學習價值(25%),顯示使用者觀看影片時在意內容是否提供足夠資訊量,影片是否滿足期待,若影片內容能呼應使用者自身經驗,則會進一步發問與互動,深化學習,提高自我效能。
Lecture recording is a useful tool in physicaleducation. However, inexperienced learners may notbe able to identify key points in video and becomedistracted. The purpose of this study was to developguidelines for “Cue Cards of Snowboarding LectureRecording” to improve users’ learning motivation.Though a systematic literature review, this paper retained293 YouTube snowboarding tutorial videos, coded theuser comments and video descriptions for argumentativeand knowledge construction to explore what resonateswith learners’ learning motivation. Out findings revealthat 54% of the selected videos were covered by threechannels; The most frequent learning motivation factorsin user comment were task awareness, self-efficacy, andlearning value; while 70% of the keywords in the videotitle were about learning value, indicating that the mostimportant motivation factor for learning in the videotitles was learning value, by emphasizing learning value,users could be attracted to the video contents, and if thecontent was relevant to their own experiences, users tendto response actively, leading to a deep learning .
起訖頁 143-152
關鍵詞 YouTube影片學習動機圖文教材單板滑雪課程側錄影片Cue Cards Learning Value Lecture Recording Snowboard Training YouTube video
刊名 中華印刷科技年報  
期數 202205 (2022期)
出版單位 社團法人中華印刷科技學會
該期刊-上一篇 圖文設計於音樂錄影帶之應用與創新──以金曲獎獲獎作品為例
該期刊-下一篇 臺灣同人誌販售會發展與獨立出版之研究




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