英文摘要 |
The music video industry has always been knownfor its special creativity. The interactive music video'Home Cookin', which recently won the Golden MelodyAward in 2021, uses plenty of motion graphics, whichreminds us of the importance of graphic design. Throughediting and digital design, motion graphics can performbetter than those on paper. Some directors combine theirgraphic design with music, which can make audiencesenjoy the rhythm of music videos. The researcher usedtextual analysis to explore graphic design of GoldenMelody Award best music videos, so that readers canrealize the special effect of transdisciplinary design. Theresearcher analyzed the interactive relationship betweenimages and music and observed how graphic design wasapplied to music videos. The study found that graphicdesign can help creators convey the theme and conceptof their song. In terms of audio-visual integration, graphicdesign makes audiences enjoy the rhythm of musicvideos by matching with music beats, song structures andmusic genres. |