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國民中學學生接受不同電腦模擬融入論證式探究的教學模式之學習成效探討:以遺傳單元為例   全文下載 全文下載
The Effect of Different Models of Integrating Computer Simulation in Argument-Based Inquiry on Student Science Learning-Learning Genetics as an Example
作者 鍾昌宏王國華
本研究比較不同電腦模擬融入論證式探究教學模式,對於178名七年級學生的學習環境感受與遺傳單元概念學習之影響。對照組採傳統講述教學(T組),實驗組共有三組,皆實施資訊融入論證式探究教學,且依不同電腦模擬融入教學的模式分為:教師展示Power Point(PA組)、教師展示模擬軟體(TA組)與學生操作模擬軟體(SA組)。結果顯示,採用資訊融入論證式教學的PA、TA及SA組學生對學習環境的感受都顯著優於對照組;採用電腦模擬融入論證式探究教學的TA與SA組學生,其遺傳概念的認知理解顯著提升,且優於未使用電腦模擬軟體的T與PA組;另外,比較不同學業成就學生的學習狀況,高學業成就學生在四種教學模式皆有良好的表現,中、低學業成就學生在電腦模擬融入論證式探究教學的認知概念理解顯著高於傳統講述。
The aim of study is to compare the effect of different models of integrating computer simulation in Argumentation-Based Inquiry on student science learning. The subjects consist of 178 seventh grade students assigned into four groups including traditional lecture teaching group (T), integrating Power Point in Argumentation-Based Inquiry teaching group (PA), integrating Teacher’s Simulation in Argumentation-Based Inquiry teaching group (TA), and integrating Students’ Simulation in Argumentation-Based Inquiry teaching group (SA). The results reveal that students in SA, TA and PA group perceived significantly higher than the traditional group on the learning environment. In addition, students in SA and TA groups performed significant higher than students in PA and T groups on achievement test of genetics. Finally, comparing students at different achievement levels, high achievers had good learning performance in all the teaching models, middle and low achievers only perform better by the teaching models of integrating computer simulation in Argumentation-based inquiry than traditional lecture teaching.
起訖頁 019-040
關鍵詞 探究電腦模擬論證學習環境遺傳inquirycomputer simulationargumentationlearning environmentgenetics
刊名 數位學習科技期刊  
期數 201407 (6:3期)
出版單位 數位學習科技期刊編審委員
該期刊-上一篇 探索數位遊戲類型與學習風格之關係:以感官—直覺風格為例
該期刊-下一篇 應用情境模擬系統於課輔志工訓練之研究:以國民小學三年級數學減法為例




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