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Critical Analysis of New Social Studies Movement and its Reform of Teaching Materials in the United States during 1950s-1970s
作者 單文經 (Wen-Jing Shan)
鑒於新近公布之中小學社會領綱強調學習者表現、以探究與實作的活動激發學習者參與,並鼓勵其自主學習等作法,與1950-1970年代發生於美國的新社會科運動之精神相近,本文乃以此一以社會科教材改革為核心的運動為對象,據適當的文獻進行歷史研究。本文先敘述其於美蘇冷戰與太空競賽,以及眾社會科學爭入中小學課程等情況下起始,在時勢遞移、思潮轉變而逐漸消衰之外,並以三個教材改革計畫舉隅評析其特色、成敗原因與傳承。次則以各項佐證說明該運動代有傳人,以及以審慎樂觀社會領綱變革成功之緣由。文末除總結大要、指陳未來研究方向外,並反思本文有言說多於實例,與夫事例偏於歷史一科之不足,當於日後再作他文時注意及之。 The recently promulgated Curriculum Guidelines for the Social Studies Learning in Taiwan-which emphasize learner performance, activities that encourage inquiry, and hands-on learning to facilitate learner participation and independent study-bear many similarities to the New Social Studies movement in the United States between 1950s and 1970s. This study analyzed the reform of teaching materials that occurred during this movement through a thorough review of the literature. In addition to examining the movement's origins in the Cold War and Space Race between the United States and Soviet Union alongside the fight for social science content on the school curriculum and its subsequent gradual decline caused by changes in the social trends and attitudes, this paper describes the characteristics of the New Social Studies movement, reasons for its successes and failures, and its legacy by exemplifying three selected teaching materials reform projects. The findings show that the movement has continued through several generations to the present day, indicating that cautious optimism is warranted regarding the early successes of the reform brought by the Curriculum Guidelines for Social Studies Learning in Taiwan. Finally, this paper discusses directions for possible future research and the present study's limitations, such as the reliance on discourse over examples. Future studies on this topic should attempt to improve on these limitations.
起訖頁 69-109
關鍵詞 美國社會科史新社會科運動教材改革社會領綱History of social studies in the United StatesNew Social Studies movementteaching materials reformCurriculum Guidelines for the Social Studies Learning
刊名 教科書研究  
期數 201904 (12:1期)
出版單位 國家教育研究院
該期刊-上一篇 大學生跨文化能力涵養之研究-以卑南族除草祭互動電子繪本製作歷程為例
該期刊-下一篇 數位教科書




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