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Apocalypse and Preach, Heaven andHomeland:Song Zelai’s Interpretation of the Bible and the Value ofLiterature in His Novels
作者 楊雅儒
The main idea of this paper is to explore the novels that Song Zelai’ has publishedsince the 20th century, and how he converts his reading experiences of the Bible into inspirationand provides the analysis to correspond with the issues of Taiwan that he caresfor. Readers are familiar with Song Zelai ’s writing strategy in which to cite the storiesof the Buddhist sutra and the Bible at the same time. However, although most of theresearch has revealed his specialization in using Magic Realistic and religious elements,there is less emphasis on his methods of scriptures reading and interpretation.This paper focuses on the sources of the allusions in Song Zelai’s novels, observationof the ratio, tendency, and depth he quoted from the Old and New Testament, andhow he used the rhetorical strategy to describe the topics of national orientation, ethnicidentity, and human nature. By examining Song Zelai’s writing process, it shows thatin the early stages he was good at employing miracles and prophets from the Old Testament,and gospels andapocalypse from the New Testament. Recently he turns to theOld Testament’s theology. Moreover, he is fond of narrating the apostles’ characteristicsin the New Testament and emphasizing God’s grace and redemption. Song Zelai’s imitationof the Scripture type and reflection upon history, politics and righteousness prove that the depth of his Bible reading has been increasing. In addition, this paper pointsout the connection between Song Zelai’s proselytism and his works and proves that he isinspired by the Bible. Even though his ultimate concern is about the sacred future, he isstill attentive to the unsolved problems of this island and the residents.
起訖頁 69-109
關鍵詞 文學與宗教宋澤萊〈變成鹽柱的作家〉《血色蝙蝠降臨的城市》《熱帶魔界》《天上卷軸》Literature and ReligionSong ZelaiBecoming the Writer of the Pillar ofSaltThe City Where the Blood-Red Bat DescendedThe Tropical World ofDemonsThe Celestial Scroll
刊名 台灣文學研究學報  
期數 201704 (24期)
出版單位 國家臺灣文學館籌備處
該期刊-上一篇 如何測量情色的深度──李喬與鍾肇政、葉石濤的情色論對話
該期刊-下一篇 灣生‧怪胎‧國族──《惑鄉之人》的男男情欲與台日情結




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