勞動及職業安全衛生研究季刊 Journal of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health |
202209 (30:3期)期所有篇 |
- 水平安全母索於建築工程使用之安全管理問題探討 Discussion on Safety Management of Horizonal Lifeline used in Construction Engineering
- 離岸風電「危害鑑別、風險評估和控制」職能課程 Competency-Based Course for Hazard Identification, Risk Assessment and Risk in Offshore Wind Industry
- 長照機構地板抗滑性與照服員跌倒經驗調查 The Investigation on Floor Slip-Resistance and the Falling Experience of Nursing Attendants at Long-term Care Institutions
- 職業傷害的發生與社會分布:全民健保資料分析 The Occurrence and Social Distribution of Occupational Injury: Analyses of National Health Insurance Data
- 我國大數據於職業病流行病學研究之現況挑戰 The Current Situation and Challenges of Applying Big Data to Epidemiological Research on Occupational Diseases
- 大量解僱勞工再就業追蹤資料之觀察與分析 Analysis of Reemployment for Mass Laid-off Workers Based on Tracking Data
- 各國自然人移動執行職務之勞動法令探討 The Applicability of Labor Laws to Natural Persons as Service Suppliers
- 船員法對船員工作時間規範之初探 A Preliminary Study on the Working Hours Regulations of Seafarer in Seafarer Act