勞動及職業安全衛生研究季刊 Journal of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health |
201812 (26:4期)期所有篇 |
- 2010台灣工會法禁止不當影響支配工會活動之探討:美國不當勞動行為法執法經驗之對照 Visit to 2010 Taiwan Labor Union Law's Amendment Prohibiting Unlawful Influence and Dominance on Union Activities: With the Experience of US Unfair Labor Practice Law
- 勞工行為認知於營造業安全管理之困境與突破 The Dilemma and Breakthrough of Worker Behavior Cognition in Construction Industry Safety Management
- 某冷軋廠的安全管理系統分析 Analysis of Safety Management System of a Cold Rolling Department
- 軌道車輛及軌道承托系統之破壞型態及案例探討 Failure Mechanisms and Case Studies for Rail Vehicles & Track Support Systems
- 矽烷化有機改質蒙脫土/聚碳酸酯複合材料添加兩種阻燃劑之特性研究 The Research of Silylation Organic Modified Montmorillonite/Polycarbonate Composites of Adding Two Flame Retardants
- 添加次磷酸鋁與改質石墨烯於聚丙烯之阻燃性能研究 The Research of Characteristics of Polypropylene and Aluminum Phosphate Flame Retardants Material Added Modified Graphene