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The Research of Characteristics of Polypropylene and Aluminum Phosphate Flame Retardants Material Added Modified Graphene
作者 陳信維陳柏均張銘坤
聚丙烯(Polypropylene, PP)為無毒、無味、無臭之高分子材料,具有化學穩定性高、延伸性佳、以及價格相對低廉等優點,應用範圍廣泛,例如:家電產品、建築以及汽機車配件等領域,但其容易燃燒以及具有熔滴滴落等特性,大幅地限制了聚丙烯的應用性,因此對於聚丙烯的阻燃性能進行提升,增廣聚丙烯的應用領域,同時也增加了其使用安全。本研究以聚丙烯作為基材,填充環保型無機磷系阻燃劑—次磷酸鋁(Aluminum Phosphate, AHP),並加入鐵-石墨烯(Iron-Graphene, IG),利用塑譜儀進行物理混練,製備PP/AHP/IG高分子阻燃複合材料試驗片,進行熱性能分析、結構鍵結分析以及燃燒性能分析等。鐵-石墨烯經FTIR分析,發現材料經還原後官能基特性均存在,證明利用細鐵粉還原氧化石墨烯具有效果。掃描式電子顯微鏡(Scanning Electron Microscopy, SEM)顯示,添加60wt%聚丙烯之複合材料PP60-2~PP60-5觀察到炭層表面幾乎沒有孔洞產生,增加炭層表面之緻密性,炭層堆疊形成層狀之結構。EDX顯示,還原後之鐵-石墨烯各元素之含量,由分析可觀察出C為石墨烯之主要成分,並且能觀察到Fe的特性峰。TGA顯示樣品添加40wt%之次磷酸鋁阻燃劑後,初始熱烈解溫度下降,殘炭量從1.5%最高可提升至30.5%。LOI及UL-94結果顯示,複合材料加入40wt%之次磷酸鋁阻燃劑後,LOI值由17%提升至22%,添加微量鐵-石墨烯及多層石墨烯後,LOI值提升為23%,屬自熄等級,UL-94試驗從NR提升至V-0等級。
Polypropylene is non-toxic, tasteless, odorless polymer materials, with high chemical stability, good ductility, and relatively low prices, etc., a wide range of applications, such as home appliances, construction and steam locomotive accessories and other fields, but it’s easy to burn As well as droplet dripping and other characteristics, greatly limiting the applicability of polypropylene, so the flame retardant properties of polypropylene to enhance and expand polypropylene applications, but also increased its use of safety. In this study, Polypropylene (PP) was used as a substrate to fill the environment-friendly inorganic phosphorus flame retardant, aluminum phosphate (AHP), and iron-graphene (IG) Spectrometer physical mixing, prepared PP / AHP / IG polymer flame retardant composite materials, preparation of test pieces, the thermal performance analysis, structural bonding analysis and combustion performance analysis. The FTIR analysis of iron-graphene showed that the functional groups of the Fe-graphene were reduced after the reduction. It can be proved that the reduction of graphene oxide by the Fe powder is effective. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) showed that PP60-2 ~ PP60-5 with 60wt% polypropylene added showed that there were almost no holes on the surface of the carbon layer, which increased the surface density of the carbon layer and the carbon layers were stacked to form a layered structure. EDX shows that the content of each element of iron-graphene after reduction shows that C is the main component of graphene and that the characteristic peak of Fe can be observed. TGA showed that the initial degradation temperature dropped after the 40wt% aluminum phosphate flame retardant was added to the sample, and the residual carbon content increased from 1.5% up to 30.5%. The results of LOI and UL-94 show that the LOI value of the composites increases from 17% to 22% after adding 40wt% aluminum phosphate flame retardant. The LOI increases to 23% with the addition of trace iron-graphene and multi-layer graphene, is a self-extinguishing grade, UL-94 test from NR to V-0 level.
起訖頁 297-309
關鍵詞 聚丙烯次磷酸鋁鐵-石墨烯阻燃PolypropyleneAluminum hypophosphiteIron-grapheneFlame retardant
刊名 勞動及職業安全衛生研究季刊  
期數 201812 (26:4期)
出版單位 行政院勞動部勞動及職業安全衛生研究所
該期刊-上一篇 矽烷化有機改質蒙脫土/聚碳酸酯複合材料添加兩種阻燃劑之特性研究




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