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Analysis of Safety Management System of a Cold Rolling Department
作者 蘇正長謝賢書許錦明
To improve the performance of safety management, the government takes actions such as giving counseling, inspecting and training, and so on to reduce the occurrence of hazards. Up to now, these actions have effectively not only decreased the occupational accident rate, but also raised the management performance of occupational safety and health. Management can be defined as an act or procedure for the use of available resources to achieve desired goals and objectives for the organization. The nature and cores of management focuses on ''people''.The more company emphasis on safety and health management, the more easier to shape an excellent safety management culture. This study was based on the questionnaire survey to investigate how the managerial staffs, whose perception of safety and individual response, affect how his or their subordinates had behaved at work place. Those related papers and thesis collected were reorganized into nine question sets including organizational commitment, communication between organization members, self management of superintendent, the role of Supervisor, influence of colleague behavior, Individual risk behavior and its influence, confliction and impedance of safety behavior, problem solving procedure of disability and near miss, and role of the individual. All nine question sets in this questionnaire were analyzed by using descriptive statistics to investigate how the cognitive capacity of managerial staffs can affect his or their subordinates' behavior. Results show bellow. Organizational commitment set shows that the company pays highly attention to safety issues. Communication between organization members set find Cold Rolling Department does not hold many large convention to announce related safety and health information or regulations. Both self- management of superintendent set and problem solving procedure of disability and near miss set show that superintendents or workers will investigate and analyze each accident of disability or near miss that occurred and then discuss in Labor Safety and Health Committee. The role of supervisor set shows that walking management is helpful to on-site safety management. Influence of colleague behavior set shows that they will discuss operating procedures before doing the job. Individual risk behavior and its influence set shows that workers took part in the hazard identification and risk assessment, and response to process changes at any time need to be amended. Confliction and impedance of safety behavior set surprisingly shows that they were safe to finish any job although they didn't follow the SOP or safety procedures. The role of the individual set shows security is the personal responsibility to protect own safety.
起訖頁 258-270
關鍵詞 安全管理系統,危害鑑別與風險評估,安全衛生績效Safety management systemHazard identification and risk assessmentPerformance of safety and health
刊名 勞動及職業安全衛生研究季刊  
期數 201812 (26:4期)
出版單位 行政院勞動部勞動及職業安全衛生研究所
該期刊-上一篇 勞工行為認知於營造業安全管理之困境與突破
該期刊-下一篇 軌道車輛及軌道承托系統之破壞型態及案例探討




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