勞動及職業安全衛生研究季刊 Journal of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health |
201803 (26:1期)期所有篇 |
- 先期開發與評估應用於石化業關鍵設備之智慧預知維護方法 Analyzing the Systems for Certification of Personnel Competencies for Explosive Atmospheres
- BBS-APP導入建築工程勞工行為改變之有效性探討 Discussion on the Validity of Labor Behavior Change by BBS-APP in Construction Project
- 一般市售鞋子之低壓絕緣性能測試與探討 The Insulation Performance of General-purpose Shoes
- 問卷輸入系統自動調整最佳攝距參數研究 Study of the Automatic Adjustment on the OptimalShooting Range for Questionnaire Input System
- 區域勞動加值之資源整合模式建立研究 The Establishment of Resource Integration Model for Value-added Regional Workforce
- 初探職安衛教育訓練評鑑制度對訓練機構績效之影響 The Effect of Occupational Safety and HealthResearch Education and Training’s EvaluationSystem on the Operational Performance of a TrainingInstitution-A Preliminary Study