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The Effect of Occupational Safety and HealthResearch Education and Training’s EvaluationSystem on the Operational Performance of a TrainingInstitution-A Preliminary Study
作者 許錦明李得元蔡明憲
職業安全衛生教育訓練機構辦訓常以提升勞工安全衛生知能、降低勞工職災發生率為己任。良好的教育訓練品質與訓練績效是為職業安全衛生教育訓練機構辦訓之目標,而職業訓練機構對於安全衛生教育訓練評鑑結果,攸關自身教育訓練辦訓品質與組織績效之良瓠。本研究以職業訓練機構參與安全衛生教育訓練評鑑後,探討其在實施PDCA(Plan Do Check Action)循環圈概念建立的教育訓練自主管理後,和後續訓練管理職類變化等因素及以該區域同職業訓練機構辦訓情形,來比對職業訓練機構在訓練品質及組織績效實施前後產生之變化。同時對該區域同職業訓練機構有無參與教育訓練評鑑,對其招生與組織營運績效是否有無影響。本研究之結論歸納如下:職業訓練機構導入PDCA的教育訓練自主管理後,確實有提升本身的訓練品質、組織績效之功能。在該區域,同類型的職業訓練機構有無參與教育訓練評鑑,目前對其招生與組織營運績效的影響不大。
Occupational safety and health education training institutions provide training to enhance workersafety and health knowledge and to reduce the vocational incident rate. In this study, after the traininginstitutions participating in safety and health education and training evaluation, we explored its selfmanagementof education and training, subsequent training management changes and other factorswith the vocational training institutions in the regional training conditions under implementing theconcept of PDCA(Plan Do Check Action) cycle and compared the professional training institutions inthe training of quality and organizational performance before and after the changes. Also, the effect ofa training institution participating in evaluation on their enrollment and organizational performance hasbeen studied. Conclusions of this study are summarized as follows: The organization being studied,in the introduced to the management education and training systems of PDCA, indeed enhanced thequality and organizational performance of functional training. Whether or not the similar traininginstitutions in this region are involved in education and training evaluation has little effect on therecruitment and organization of operating performance.
起訖頁 49-58
關鍵詞 職業訓練機構教育訓練評鑑PDCA循環Vocational Training InstitutionsEducation and Training EvaluationPDCA Circle
刊名 勞動及職業安全衛生研究季刊  
期數 201803 (26:1期)
出版單位 行政院勞動部勞動及職業安全衛生研究所
該期刊-上一篇 區域勞動加值之資源整合模式建立研究




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