文資學報 Journal of Culture Resources |
202112 (14期)期所有篇 |
- 北臺灣白沙屯媽祖分靈團體之初探 A Preliminary Study of the Branching Associations of Baishatun Mazu in Northern Taiwan
- 日治時期曆書的出版管制與私販情形 Publication Control and Private Sales of Traditional Chinese Calendars during the Japanese Colonial Period
- 日本東京高等工業學校,對劉敦楨中國建築史學研究之影響初探 A Preliminary Study of the Influence of the National Institute of Technology of Tokyo College on Liu Dunzhen's Research on Chinese Architectural History
- 羅經方位層初探 A Preliminary Survey on the Position Rings of the Geomancer's Compass
- 鳩澤佐美夫《空證文》