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A Preliminary Study of the Branching Associations of Baishatun Mazu in Northern Taiwan
作者 劉美汝
Baishatun Mazu pilgrimage was registered as Intangible Cultural Heritage by the Miaoli County Government in 2008 and recognized as National Significant Folklore by Ministry of Culture in 2010. The Baishatun Mazu pilgrimage is known for its unfixed route which is also having the longest walking distance among Taiwan's pilgrimage. Under the influence of becoming National Intangible Cultural Heritage and the of blooming of social media network on internet, more and more people know about Baishatun Mazu. All of these made the local religious from Tongxiao,a small town sited in Miaoli County, begun to change. In the past, most volunteer associations of Baishatun Mazu pilgrimage were founded gradually in Miaoli, Taichung, Changhua, and Yunlin, where the pilgrimage's unfixed route will pass. And their main purpose is to provide pilgrims with supplies, such as food and water. Some volunteer associations also consecrated a Mazu statue from Gong Tian Temple. However, during the last decade, more and more volunteer associations related to Baishatun Mazu were founded in the northern Taiwan. Some of them even had consecrated a Mazu statue from Gong Tian Temple,and started to show their own characteristics and develop localization. This paper focuses on the volunteer association of Baishatun Mazu in northern Taiwan including Yilan, Taipei, Taoyuan, and Hsinchu, especially those are also branching associations of Baishatun Mazu which had consecrated a Mazu statue. The purpose of the study is to understand the development of these branching associations of Baishatun Mazu in northern Taiwan. Through investigating the background factors that made the branching associations of Baishatun Mazu determined to consecrate a Mazu statue, the operation of organizational, the constitutions of members and the relation between the registration of Intangible Cultural Heritage and blooming social media to understand the overall developing context of the branching associations of Baishatun Mazu in Northern Taiwan.
起訖頁 9-32
關鍵詞 北臺灣白沙屯媽祖分靈團體聯誼會文化資產northern TaiwanBaishatun Mazuthe branching associationvolunteer associationsIntangible Cultural Heritage
刊名 文資學報  
期數 202112 (14期)
出版單位 國立臺北藝術大學文化資源學院
該期刊-下一篇 日治時期曆書的出版管制與私販情形




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