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A Preliminary Study of the Influence of the National Institute of Technology of Tokyo College on Liu Dunzhen's Research on Chinese Architectural History
作者 黃奕智
This research is mainly placed in the framework of the study of the early construction of Chinese architectural history. The goal is to explore the role and contribution of Liu Dunzhen (劉敦楨), director of the literature department of the Society for the Study of Chinese Architecture (中國營造學社), in the initial construction of Chinese architectural history. For this reason, this essay mainly discusses the historical training and education that Liu Dunzhen may have obtained during his early studies at the National Institute of Technology of Tokyo College (東京高等工業學校) in Japan, in order to find out how this period of study experience may affect Liu Dunzhen to form his later historical view, method and approach on the study of Chinese architectural history. From the qualifications of Shigetsura Shiga (滋賀重列), the founding director of the Department of Architecture of the National Institute of Technology of Tokyo College, a considerable part of the early curriculum of the school should be based on the engineering system of the Department of Architecture of the University of Illinois in the United States, where Shigetsura Shiga got his architectural degree. In the architectural history course that Professor Matsue Maeda (前田松韻) is responsible for, his historical view of architecture may refer to the Toyo Architectural System (東洋建築系統) that Chuta Ito (伊東忠太) proposed, and the Japanese traditional construction system of Saito Torujiro (齋藤兵次郎), who was born in traditional carpenter craftsmanship. Since the main goal of the National Institute of Technology of Tokyo College in the initial stage of establishment was to cultivate talents in engineering industry, the curriculum arrangement of the architecture department still emphasizes the courses of architectural drawing, engineering technology, structure and materials. The emphasis and training on the above, coupled with the historical research approach emphasized on literature review and field studies proposed by Chuta Ito, and focusing on a modern translation of traditional building craftsmanship, may also influence Liu Dunzhen to develop his unique research methods in constructing Chinese architectural history.
起訖頁 65-103
關鍵詞 劉敦楨東京高等工業學校滋賀重列前田松韻伊東忠太齋藤兵次郎Liu Dunzhenthe National Institute of Technology of Tokyo CollegeShigetsura ShigaMatsue MaedaChuta ItoSaito Torujiro
刊名 文資學報  
期數 202112 (14期)
出版單位 國立臺北藝術大學文化資源學院
該期刊-上一篇 日治時期曆書的出版管制與私販情形
該期刊-下一篇 羅經方位層初探




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