設計學報 Journal of Design |
201112 (16:4期)期所有篇 |
- 文化產品設計程序 A Study on Cultural Product Design Process
- 層次完形導向之造形創作模式 Gestalt-oriented Approach to Form Creation
- 文創商品的隱喻設計模式 A Metaphorical Method for Product Design in Cultural and Creative Industry
- 形態聯想組合法應用於藝術商品設計 Applying 'Associative Forced Relationship of Formative Elements' in Artistic Commodities Design
- 傳說為設計泉源:以龍生九子為產品設計之題材 Legends as Sources of Inspiration: Product Design inspired by the Legend of 'the Dragon's Nine Sons'
- 詩詞形神轉化的文化創意設計應用 Applying Poetic Techniques of Shape- Spirit Transformation in Cultural Creative Design