青少年犯罪防治研究期刊 Journal of Research in Delinquency and Prevention |
200906 (1:1期)期所有篇 |
- 青少年毒品戒治者對藥物濫用之認知、態度、行為與因應方式研究 A qualitative study of knowledge, attitude, practice, and coping regarding drugs amongst adolescent drug offenders
- 經常逃學而不逃家少年其學校與家庭經驗之研究 A Study about the school and home experiences of the juveniles who have frequent truant but not running away from home
- 非行原因認知與非行預測對非行青少年嚴懲化態度之影響模式:以台灣、日本一般市民為樣本 Causal Attribution, Prediction of Juvenile Crime, and Positive Attitude toward Punitive to Juvenile Crime: The Japanese and Taiwanese Sample
- 安置輔導工作者訓練與督導現況初探 Social workers employed in residential group care facilities: A training and supervision assessment
- 生活壓迫事件、社會支持、社會心理特質與台灣都會區國中生偏差行為之關係 Relationships among coercion, social support, social-psychological characteristics and delinquency of junior high school students in Taiwan metropolitan