跑步成績評量換氣閾值與呼吸代償點速度的效度研究 The validity study of ventilatory threshold and velocity at respiratory compensation point derived from running test
以穿戴式裝置比較不同層級棒球打者軀幹及手部之揮棒技術 Comparison of the swing techniques of the torso and hands between baseball batters of different skill levels using wearable devices
不穩定表面結合震動訓練對競技體操選手空翻、落地和神經肌肉表現之影響 Effects of unstable surface combined with vibration training on somersaults, landings, and neuromuscular performance in artistic gymnasts
路跑賽事碳足跡分析──以2021宜蘭冬山河超級馬拉松為例 The analysis of carbon footprint of running events: The example of the Yilan Dongshan river ultramarathon
桌球運動課程對孩童執行功能之立即與延續效果 The immediate and sustained effects of table tennis program on executive function in children
培育「玩遊戲」是實現美好人生的重要契機 The cultivation of playing in games as the important opportunity for the realization of a good life