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The cultivation of playing in games as the important opportunity for the realization of a good life
作者 游添燈楊裕隆
伯爾納德‧舒茲(Bernard Suits)《蚱蜢:遊戲、生命與烏托邦》一書,不僅提出享譽學界的遊戲定義,最終更提出對烏托邦的臆想與救贖:培育遊戲([game]s' serious cultivation)。舒茲的培育遊戲論,企圖連結到對美好生活的探討,希望從烏托邦落實至現實世界,其中仍缺乏一個重要元素:玩心,願意將遊戲作為自為目的活動,遊玩一生。本文將從舒茲的培育遊戲論述開始,連結舒茲對玩的概念性定義與其不可或缺的自為目的性,找到現代人「工作」和舒茲的「玩遊戲」之間互相轉換的可能。內文中重新審視並論述遊戲價值內涵,「玩」的定義及其範疇,以及遊戲態度轉換等核心概念,然後提出本研究的觀點:實現美好人生的契機在培育玩遊戲。我們發現舒茲當時提出的是「培育遊戲」,而不是「培育玩遊戲」(the cultivation of game-playing),有兩個值得觀察的重點,其一、舒茲1978年完成《蚱蜢》時,尚未疏通烏托邦與美好人生的完善圖樣,待1984年〈遊戲與烏托邦〉(“Games and Utopia : Posthumous Reflections”)一文,始見分明。其二、這是因為英文和中文語法上必然的差異。中文「玩」的字源,和把弄玉器有關,而中文「玩遊戲」一詞,其內涵則兼具英文及物和不及物動詞「玩」的成分,有著在遊戲中玩(playing in a game)的意思。由此,我們發現培育玩遊戲才是現代人的救贖,而實現美好人生的契機在於培育玩遊戲。
In The Grasshopper: Games, Life, and Utopia, Bernard Suit puts forward not only the wellknown definition of the game in the academic world, but also the imagination towards and redemption of a utopia: the cultivation of games (培育遊戲) . Suits’cultivation theory of game-playing aims at connecting to the exploration of a good life in an attempt to make utopia achievable in the real world, but there is still a lack of an important element: playfulness (玩心) , an attitude of willingness to play in a game as an autotelic activity for a lifetime. This paper will begin with Suits' discourse on the cultivation of games, link his conceptual definition of playing with its indispensable autotelicity, and find the possibility of mutual conversion between modern people's ''work'' and Suits' ''playing in games.'' This paper re-examines and discusses the value of game-playing, including some core concepts, such as the definition of“playing”(玩) , its domain, and the transition of lusory attitude. It thus brings out the perspective that the key point of realizing a good life is the cultivation of gameplaying (培育玩遊戲) . We discover that what Suits argues about is“the cultivation of games”, instead of“the cultivation of game-playing”. In this, there are two noteworthy points. First, when Suits had finished The Grasshopper: Games, Life and Utopia, he hadn’t completed his vision of the utopia and the good life. It wasn’t until his 1984 published work Games and Utopia: Posthumous Reflections that we can see clearly about his vision. Second, this is due to the necessarily discrepancy between the semantics of English and Mandarin. The etymology of“play”in Mandarin has to do with the meaning of playing with jade ware. As for the term“game-playing”in Mandarin, it contains both the meaning of the transitive and of the intransitive verb“play”. Therefore, it also has the meaning of playing in a game. We conclude that the cultivation of game-playing is the true salvation of modern people, and there lies in it the opportunity to achieve a good life.
起訖頁 235-247
關鍵詞 舒茲玩遊戲自為目的性存在之理想態度轉換Bernard Suitsgame-playingplayingautotelicityideal of existenceattitude switch
刊名 體育學報  
期數 202306 (56:2期)
出版單位 中華民國體育學會
該期刊-上一篇 桌球運動課程對孩童執行功能之立即與延續效果




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