體育學報 Physical Education Journal |
201203 (45:1期)期所有篇 |
- 感測科技於運動健康科學之應用 The applications of sensor technology for exercise and sport science
- 不同踝蹠屈角度下對平衡干擾及復平衡的影響 Influence of foot plantar flexion angles on dynamic balance control
- 最大等速離心運動引起肌肉損傷對速度發展率的影響 Effects of rate of velocity development following the maximal eccentric exercise-induced muscle damage
- 青少年不同運動階段中社會支持的差異:來源與形式的探討 The differences of social support among stages of exercise in adolescents: Sources and types of social support
- 中國競技乒乓球的蛻變──從乒乓外交走向職業運動(1949-2010) The transformation of Chinese elite table tennis: From ping-pong diplomacy toward professional sport (1949-2010)
- 變異練習對青少年桌球技能的表現與學習效應 The effects of variable practice on the performance and learning of table tennis skill in teenagers
- 排球前、後排扣球技術起跳期下肢動作特性之生物力學分析 The lower extremity biomechanics of front-row and back-row spike in volleyball players
- 體育與運動的SCI與SSCI SCI and SSCI in physical education, sport, and exercise
- 技擊反應動作時間目標量測系統改良及信效度評估 The reliability and validity of an improved target measurement system in measuring martial attack response time
- 女子網球選手雙手反拍擊球動作上肢肌肉活化之研究 Muscle activation of the upper extremity during the two-handed backhand strokes in female tennis player
- 中華職棒虛擬社群參與行為意圖模式之研究 A study on behavioral intention model among virtual community in the Chinese Professional Baseball League
- 2009年臺北聽障奧運觀賞者觀光意象、滿意度與重遊意願研究 A research on the relations among tourism image, satisfaction, and revisiting willingness to the audience of 2009 Taipei Deaflympics
- 太極拳參與者身體感之探討 The study of the physical sensuousness of Tai-chi players
- 青少年版肢體動覺智慧量表之發展 The development of Bodily - Kinesthetic Intelligence Scale for adolescents
- 運動管理學:臺灣之研究現況與趨勢分析 Sport management: Current status and trend analysis in Taiwan
- 雙重任務對樓梯行走的時間空間步態參數之影響 The effect of dual task on spatiotemporal gait parameters during stair negotiation
- 以四肢負重法模擬中老年女性下肢動作研究 A kinematical study of lower limbs of elderly women by load bearing simulation
- 不同運動項目女子選手動體視力之比較 Comparison to dynamic visual acuity among different sports events of female athletes
- 生活積極承諾之成功老化與幸福感──中高齡者體育志願服務實證研究 A perspective on active engagement with life of successful aging and well-bing - Sport volunteering of elderly adults
- 媒體再現與臺灣國球的系譜 The media representation and genealogy of Kuo-Chiu of Taiwan
- 原住民老年人的休閒參與及休閒阻礙 Leisure participation and leisure constraints among older indigenous tribes adults
- 邁向批判運動社會學/身體文化研究 Toward a critical sociology of sport / physical cultural studies
- 新型MVA200排球球體物理特性分析及其對球員知覺辨識之影響 Analysis of the new official volleyball-MVA200 in physical characteristics and player's perception discrimination
- 赤足與穿著羽球鞋進行側步動作時足部運動學之比較 Foot motion analysis of side step with badminton shoe and barefoot
- 運動熱情與主觀幸福感的關係:正向情緒的中介效果 The relationship between passion and subjective well-being in athletes: The mediating role of positive emotion
- 雙性、單性教育環境對高中女生運動行為的影響 The influences of coeducation and single-gender education on high school girls exercise behavior
- 臺北市市民運動中心顧客滿意度指標之建構 Constructing a customer satisfaction index for public sports centers in Taipei City
- 立定跳遠發展階段觀察檢核表之多層面Rasch評分量尺模式分析 Assessing the developmental level standing long jump checklist by many-facet Rasch model
- 臺灣與國際優秀吊環項目選手表現之比較 Comparison between Taiwanese and international elite gymnasts in the rings event