體育學報 Physical Education Journal |
201006 (43:2期)期所有篇 |
- 阻力與交叉訓練對肌力與身體組成之影響 Effects of resistance training and cross-training on muscular strength and body composition
- 護理人員體適能與代謝症候群之相關 The relationship between physical fitness and metabolic syndrome in nurses
- 八週射箭運動訓練對國小學童平衡控制特徵之影響 The effects of eight weeks archery training on balance control in children
- 不同投擲距離肌群作用時序之比較 The study of throwing pattern under different target distances from the perspective of firing sequences of upper extremities muscles
- 柔道選手知覺教練效能、團隊承諾及專業承諾之關係 The relationship between the perceived coaching efficacy, team commitment and professional commitment of judo team members
- 前期時間對不同年齡兒童訊息處理能力的影響 Effects of foreperiod time on the ability of information processing in middle/late children
- 師徒功能對劍道運動選手組織社會化影響之研究 Study of mentorship function and organizational socialization of Kendo
- 女子1M跳板跳水動作難度與得分之相關 The correlation between diving difficulty coefficient and score of Women 1M spring board diving
- 中華職棒比賽勝負預測模式之建構 Establishing models to predict the outcomes of baseball games in CPBL
- 美國職業網球教練協會(USPTR)執照教練之有效指導行為 The effective coaching behaviors for the certified coaches of Unite States Professional Tennis Registry
- 健康體適能教學方案在高中體育課的應用:問題導向學習理論觀點 Health-related physical fitness lessons approach of physical education for high school students - A viewpoint of problem-based learning