補充鎮靜型中藥後從事模擬對抗賽對射箭選手生理反應及運動表現之影響 Effects of sedative herbs supplementation on physiological responses and performance in personal archery competition
市售不同結構網線受力機械特性之探討 Mechanical behavior in commercialized tennis strings with different structures
大專興趣選項體育課學生流暢體驗與學習滿意度之相關研究 The study on the flow experience, learning satisfaction and their correlation of students in optional physical education classes
不同起跑技術對慢速壘球壘間跑壘時間的影響 A comparison of base running starting techniques in slow pitch softball
教練轉型式領導對團隊成員專業承諾的影響──教練滿意度、團隊滿意與訓練滿意度的調節效果 The relationship between transformational leadership and professional commitment: The moderating roles of satisfaction to coach, team, and training
網球選手績效評估指標權重之研究──模糊理論之應用 Deciding the measure weights of tennis player performance evaluation using fuzzy theory
臺灣地區體育與非體育系大學生參與運動志願服務之研究 A study of college students sport and non-sport major volunteering in sport events in Taiwan
高雄市國民小學推動游泳政策成效之研究 Effect of promiting the swimming policy among elementary schools in Kaohsiung City
射箭選手競賽成績之探索性分析 Exploratory analysis of the competing scores for archers