中文摘要 |
目的:本研究以選擇反應時間的測驗方式來模擬比賽現況,以探討不同起跑技術對慢速壘球(slow-pitch)壘間跑壘時間之影響,並探尋最適用的起跑技術,作為國內體育教師與教練指導學生之參考。方法:參與者為40名年齡20-22歲大專男生,經8週的教學與訓練後,以狄肯氏運動能力分析儀組合一組紅、綠號誌燈,並連接計時停止器,來計測動力起跑、短跑站立、交叉步與切步等四種不同起跑動作之整體反應時間。所得資料以重複量數單因子變異數分析法考驗。結果:四種起跑法在時間上有顯著差異(p<.01),經事後比較發現,動力起跑法最慢(p<.05),短跑站立、交叉步與切步起跑法三者則無顯著差異。以重複量數單因子變異數分析考驗各種起跑方法三次間之信度,所得之F(下標(2,78))值為0.08~1.41(p>.05),皆未達顯著差異,顯示本實驗在施測過程及使用之儀器均無偏向。結論:以選擇反應時間檢測慢壘壘間起跑技術,顯示動力起跑法為最慢,而短跑站立、交叉步與切步起跑法三者間在時間上並無差異。Purpose: This study was employed choice reaction time to compare four starting techniques included cross-over step, jab-step, standing sprinter's start, and the momentum start to determine the fastest start technique for optimum speed in base running in slow pitch softball. Methods: The participants were 40 male college students who had been practiced these start techniques for 8 weeks. Total response time was recorded to the nearest 1/100 second using a Dekan Automatic Performance Analyzer arranged with two starting lights and a stop gate. Results: A one way repeated measures ANOVA indicated that there were significant different among four starting techniques (p< .01). After post hoc tests, the momentum start was significantly (p< .05) slower than the other starts compared while there were no significant differences among the other starts. F-value ranging from 0.08 to 1.41 (p> .05), obtained using the one way repeated measures ANOVA tests for multiple trial data, signified no trends among trials and high reliability of the testing procedures and equipment. Conclusions: The results suggested that the momentum start was the slowest among the four starts. There were no differences between the cross-over step, jab-step, and the standing sprinter's start techniques for speed in slow pitch softball bases running. |