中文摘要 |
目的:本研究主要目的在於瞭解體育與非體育系大學生參與運動志願服務之動機與考量因素的內涵。其次,比較不同背景變項受試者參與運動志願服務之動機與考量因素的差異。方法:以「大學生運動志願服務參與調查量表」為研究工具,採叢集抽樣方式,以95學年度就讀於國內大學院校體育與非體育系學生為研究對象,共獲得有效問卷數3,166份。根據調查所得資料,以描述性分析及單因子多變項變異數分析等統計方法進行分析。結果:結果發現,臺灣地區體育與非體育系大學生參與運動志願服務均以「回饋服務」為首要動機。其次,就參與考量因素而言,體育系學生以「組織健全」為首要考量,非體育系學生則是為「個人配合」。第三,受試者於「參與動機」及「考量因素」的差異比較方面,在所有背景變項(性別、運動志願服務工作經驗、運動習慣及社團參與)均達到顯著差異。結論:本文作者針對結果,提出以下結論,回饋服務、專業成長、挑戰自我及輕鬆易學為體育與非體育系大學生參與志願服務的動機內涵,而組織健全、福利措施及個人配合則為運動志願服務考量因素內涵。然不同背景變項體育與非體育系大學生於參與運動志願服務時的參與動機及參與考量因素確實有顯著的差異。體育運動相關組織於召募運動志願服務時,確實需要考量不同背景變項參與者之需求,以順利獲取所需人力並減低資源浪費。Purpose: To identify the motivation and considering criteria for volunteering in sport events between college students sport and non-sport major in Taiwan. In addition, the mean differences in motivation and considering criteria were examined by background variables. Methods: The data were collected by using random cluster sampling procedure and a self-reported questionnaire. Descriptive statistics and one-way MANOVA were used to analyze the data including 3,166 valid responses. Results: The results showed that 'feedback and service' was the strongest motives for both sport and non-sport major college students to volunteer sport events. For considering criteria, 'organization wellness' was the most important factor to volunteer a sport event for sport major students, but 'individual availability' for non-sport major students. Significant mean differences were found in motivation and considering criteria by background variables such as gender, experience for volunteering sport events, exercise habit, and experience for extracurricular activities. Conclusion: The motivation for both sport and non-sport major college students to volunteer sport events includes four factors: 'feedback and services,' 'professional development,' 'self-challenge,' and 'easy for learning.' The criteria considering to volunteer sport events are 'individual availability,' 'organization wellness,' and 'personal benefits.' College students with different background may volunteer sport events for different motivation and considering criteria. To recruit volunteers efficiently and effectively for sport events, sport organizations may consider students' different needs with different background. |