言論自由與真理追求--觀念市場隱喻的溯源與檢視 Freedom of Speech and Truth Seeking - On Marketplace of Ideas Metaphors
隱喻與數位文化:由傳播與價值批判的角度省思 Metaphor and Digital Culture: A Communicative and Value-Critical Perspective
Mikhail Bakhtin狂歡節概念的民主化意涵:從批判取向論述分析的理論困境談起 Democratization Implication in Mikhail Bakhtin's Concept of Carnival: Reflections on the Theoretical Dilemma of Critically Oriented Discourse Analysis
電視新聞敘事結構初探 An Inquiry into the Narrative Structure of Television News
社會主義國家「傳播失靈」現象的組織社會學分析--以中國及前蘇聯為例 'Communication Failure' Phenomena in the Socialist Countries from the Perspective of Organizational Sociology: A Case Study of China and the Soviet Union