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Mikhail Bakhtin狂歡節概念的民主化意涵:從批判取向論述分析的理論困境談起
Democratization Implication in Mikhail Bakhtin's Concept of Carnival: Reflections on the Theoretical Dilemma of Critically Oriented Discourse Analysis
作者 王孝勇
本研究旨在藉由檢視批判取向論述分析的理論困境探討Mikhail Bakhtin狂歡節概念的民主化意涵。研究發現,Bakhtin透過狂歡節語言與身體論述所揭示出的「由下而上」的語言過程、語言系統與社會系統之間的辯證關係,以及言說主體在與它者「對話」和「對抗」的關係中,有意圖地經營「區分」、「接合」等「語言形式」進行意義的解構和再建構,具體說明了民主化如何在語言和文本中呈現與運作,並且對於化解批判取向論述分析的理論困境提供了充分的理論資源。
This paper aims to interpret the implication of democratization in Mikhail Bakhtin's concept of carnival by reflecting upon the theoretical dilemma of 'critically oriented discourse analysis' (CODA). The study found that Bakhtin attempted to proceed with 'bottom-up' philosophy of language to address the dialectical relationship between linguistic and socio-political systems. Meanwhile, Bakhtin tried to deploy the specific 'forms of language,' such as 'differentiation' and 'articulation,' to mobilize the deconstruction and reconstruction of meanings via the dialogic tension and antagonism. Based on the research findings, the paper concluded that Bakhtin's concept of carnival not only illustrates how democratization functions onto language and text, but also it supplies with sufficient resources to overcome the theoretical dilemma of CODA.
起訖頁 183-223
關鍵詞 巴赫汀民主化再意義化批判取向論述分析狂歡節語言形式BakhtinCarnivalCritically oriented discourse analysisDemocratizationForm of languageRe-signification
刊名 新聞學研究  
期數 201107 (108期)
出版單位 國立政治大學新聞系
該期刊-上一篇 隱喻與數位文化:由傳播與價值批判的角度省思
該期刊-下一篇 電視新聞敘事結構初探




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