問題與研究 Wenti Yu Yanjiu |
201712 (56:4期)期所有篇 |
- 北極冰融與中日韓三國的地緣政治競合 The Melting Arctic and Geopolitical Coopetition Between China, Japan and South Korea
- 1969年以來日韓在東海油氣田的競合 Japan-Korea Coopetition since 1969: Focus on the East China Sea Oil and Gas Fields
- 歐盟反傾銷法中之反規避措施之研究 A Study on the Anti-Circumvention Measures in the EU Anti-Dumping Law
- 從索緒爾語言學和維根斯坦後期哲學看政治學方法論的「轉向」契機 Reflecting the Methodological Predicaments in Political Science from the Perspectives of Post-Positivism and Discourse Language