漸顯破綻之美英兩國間特殊關係——美英對中國經濟外交之暗中角力 Unravelling Anglo-American“Special Relationship”: A Secret Strife inEconomic Diplomacy to China
中國大陸推動建立亞投行的國際政治經濟分析:權力、利益及知識之驅動與其國際政經意涵 The International Political Economy ofChina’s Promotion on the Establishment ofAIIB: Power, Interests andKnowledge-Driven and its InternationalPolitical and Economic Implications
從布列敦森林體系與中國的國家戰略分析亞投行對全球金融治理的挑戰 From the Bretton Woods System to the AIIB:Analysis of China’s Challenges to GlobalFinancial Governance
二次安倍內閣「積極和平主義」下之台日關係未來展望:從「台灣問題」到「台灣牌」之變遷 The Future Prospects of Taiwan-JapanRelations under the Second AbeAdministration’s “Proactive Contribution toPeace”: The Transition from the TaiwanIssue to the Taiwan Partner