地理研究 Journal of Geographical Research |
202305 (77期)期所有篇 |
- 晶圓廠區綠帶的鳥類行為在時間和空間上的動態變化 Temporal and Spatial Dynamics of Bird Behavior in the Green Belt of the Fab Area
- 加速社會的補缺行動:臺北食物外送員研究 Prosthetic Actions in an Accelerated Society: A Study of Food Delivery Workers in Taipei
- 利用羅吉斯迴歸與隨機森林預測臺灣杉造林地之變動──以林業試驗所六龜試驗林為例 Using Logistic Regression and Random Forest to Predict the Change of Taiwania cryptomerioides Plantations–An Example of Lioukuei Research Center in Taiwan Forest Research Institute
- 北美華人移民社群的空間生產與再生產:以加拿大維多利亞唐人街的牌樓為例 The Archway of Victoria’s Chinatown: The Production and Reproduction of Space in Ethnic Enclaves in North America
- 非生物生態系服務於地質公園價值評估之應用:以利吉惡地地質公園為例 The application of abiotic ecosystem services in geoparks assessment: A case study in Lichi Badland Geopark
- 反景入深林:以大學通識教育「環境、地理與心理」課程「走入森林」體驗為初探 Where Sunlight Enters a Grove: A Preliminary Exploration of the Experience of“Walking into the Forest”in the Course of“Environment, Geography and Psychology”of General Education in the University