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The Archway of Victoria’s Chinatown: The Production and Reproduction of Space in Ethnic Enclaves in North America
作者 張君川
加拿大維多利亞市(City of Victoria, Canada)的唐人街是北美洲最早建立的唐人街之一,也是加拿大最早形成的一處唐人街,其歷史幾乎與加拿大西岸的殖民史相當,是加拿大最重要的移民口岸之一。尤為特殊之處,在於該市唐人街在開埠以來一百多年間陸續興建過五次形式與目的各異的牌坊,1981年落成的牌樓「同濟門」更是全加拿大第一處永久建物型式的牌樓,別具意義。因此,本文將以有多次牌樓興建歷史的維多利亞市為例,以黎全恩教授(David Chuenyan Lai)針對維多利亞唐人街的研究為基礎,進一步梳理該市唐人街的建築與地景,牌樓的興建過程,冀藉此探討牌樓的興建對於都市地景變化與地方的形塑。
本研究係針對維多利亞唐人街的初探,以文獻分析為主,試圖討論唐人街牌樓興建的過程與該埠建築型式、移民社群範圍的變動關係,並試從空間與地方相關理論探討唐人街上重要的地景特徵──牌樓,從物質性的觀點管窺北美華人移民社群空間的生產及再生產的歷程。本文認為,隨著維多利亞唐人街多次興築牌樓,愈趨淡化了跨國政治與認同競合操作的空間,其選擇適合當地需求與文化同化等的離散真實性(authentic of diaspora),顯見其清晰的空間實踐與再現歷程,及移民的社會文化適應與移民社群範圍的變遷。
Located in the City of Victoria, Canada, Victoria’s Chinatown is one of the oldest Chinatowns in North America. Its history is as old as the colonial history of the Canadian West. It was also the one of the most important immigrant gateways in Canada. It is worth paying special attention to how this Chinatown erected several arches for different purposes for five times over the past 150 years since the Chinatown has been established. The Gate of Harmonious Interest, erected in 1981, is the first permanent Chinatown arch in Canada. Therefore, this paper aims to examine the architecture, the landscape, and the erection of the arches in Victoria’s Chinatown. Based on primary and literature research, especially the works of Professor David Chuenyan Lai, this study discusses the dynamic relationships between the arches, the type of buildings and the area of the immigrant community, and it addresses the concept of production of space in order to illustrate how the Chinatown arches, one of the most significant figures in Chinatowns, shape the community landscape and the sense of place in North America. This article proposes that along with the Chinese arches being erected within their community over and over again, transnational politics and contested identity competition have been fading out. Instead, the Chinese immigrants chose the authenticity of the diaspora to serve the needs and cultural identity of the local community. The spatial practice and the process of representation of an ethnic enclave, the sociocultural adaptation, and the change of its area can also be clearly observed.
起訖頁 71-102
關鍵詞 維多利亞唐人街移民社群牌樓空間生產黎全恩Victoria’s Chinatownethnic enclavesarchesproduction of spaceDavid Chuenyan Lai
刊名 地理研究  
期數 202305 (77期)
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學地理學系
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