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The application of abiotic ecosystem services in geoparks assessment: A case study in Lichi Badland Geopark
作者 紀權窅
Geoparks were legally included into the natural landscape of Natural Heritage after the amending of Taiwan’s“Cultural Heritage Preservation Act”in 2016. Until now there were 9 areas announced as geoparks at county or city level. According to the designation criteria of geoparks in the law, a geopark must only have scientific importance. But the reason of legislation also mentioned the potential benefits for ecology, life, and production to the community. Because of the lack of linkages between scientific values and benefits to social development, discourses about the value of geoparks are largely shaped according two different points of view. One focusses on the scientific value, and the other focusses on the community participation. Abiotic ecosystem services are a method to discuss the benefits of geodiversity on human society based on a scientific assessment. It is frequently mentioned in recent geoconservation studies and it is also applied to the assessment of geoparks and geosites.
This study tries to use the abiotic ecosystem services method to assess the value of the Lichi badland geopark. We conclude that 17 items of benefits belong to regulating services, supporting services, provision services, cultural services, and knowledge services. The cultural services and knowledge services are most significant. Comparing the abiotic ecosystem services with the geoparks designation criteria and expected benefits of the law will build upon the scientific background of the knowledge services in more detail. The other four services point out the linkage between geodiversity and ecology, life, and production of the community,and that is why their spatial distribution is closer to the community. This study concludes that the abiotic ecosystem services method provides a broader point of view to discuss the geoconservation value in a geopark. It is worth to test this method in other geoparks in order to realize its applicability among different environmental contexts. It is also feasible to use it asa reference when amending the law or regulate the guidelines.
起訖頁 103-133
關鍵詞 地質公園非生物生態系服務地質多樣性利吉惡地文化資產保存法geoparksabiotic ecosystem servicesgeodiversityLichi badlandCultural Heritage Preservation Act
刊名 地理研究  
期數 202305 (77期)
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學地理學系
該期刊-上一篇 北美華人移民社群的空間生產與再生產:以加拿大維多利亞唐人街的牌樓為例
該期刊-下一篇 反景入深林:以大學通識教育「環境、地理與心理」課程「走入森林」體驗為初探




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