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Where Sunlight Enters a Grove: A Preliminary Exploration of the Experience of“Walking into the Forest”in the Course of“Environment, Geography and Psychology”of General Education in the University
作者 謝偉民蔡怡玟
本文將以修習大學通識教育「環境、地理與心理」課程之同學為研究對象,並藉由人文主義地理學(humanistic geography)的脈絡,以其五感知覺體驗來探索及思考地理學之人與地方和其心理感受等相關問題。課程中,我們主要帶領80位同學至遠離大臺北都會區的苗栗勝興車站附近淺山地帶,以走入森林方式進行體驗,時間約2.5小時,在過程前後,我們分別以盤思心情量表(profile of mood states, POMS)測試,進一步瞭解同學們在走入森林前後的心情指標,進一步以五感知覺地理-心理之空間敍事質性分析,來瞭解同學們在走入森林前後的心情變化,並也從旁瞭解及釋放大學生平常在都會區生活與學習的情緒、壓力。最終,量表及質性問題回收後,有效樣本70份。我們發現:此等活動之帶領,不僅讓學生可以思考及體認地理學之人地關係其與心理層次和五感知覺的互動和相互關係,並也培養學生對環境周遭的觀察能力。此外,當我們與周遭環境有所連結和觸動時,自我的覺察和體認,在此也為人地關係注入了另一更深層次的思考和探照。也因於此,本文以森林為一教學場域的實踐,並從森林療癒的視野,開拓森林療癒與自我覺察的相關研究,而此等研究最終希冀亦能回到地理教育人地之間的探索脈絡思索,為地理教育貢獻另一份心力。
This study aimed to explore the man-land relationship based on the perspective of humanistic geography and the view of geographical-psychology, as related to peoples’feelings and emotions through their five senses perceptions. In this study, we took 80 university students of the ''Environment, Geography and Psychology'' course of general education as the research object, and walked for around 2.5 hours into the lowland forest near Shenghsing station, which is far away from the Taipei metropolitan area, in Miaoli County. The positive effect of forest therapy on physical and psychological well-being has been proven by empirical evidences. However, in the field of geography, few studies have discussed the interaction and interrelationship among geography education, general education and forest therapy. Additionally, among university students with needs of releasing their daily pressure and stress, we tested the profile of mood states (POMS) to further understand their psychological indicators before and after walking into the forest, and supplemented it with qualitative questions to get more space narrative details about their emotional change. There were 70 subjects in the psychological experiment that were administrated with a questionnaire survey and qualitative questions. As a result, we found that bathing in the forest might not only guide students to be conscious of the environment but also themselves. Moreover, we discussed three stages of meanings of man-land relationship, from the superficial to deeper meanings. The first stage is the way of knowing and acquiring the geographical knowledge at the outdoors, and the second stage is the thought about the subject-object relationship of man-land considerations. As to the third stage, it is thinking about man-land intersubjectivity, which even involved being and self-awareness. In the end, we illustrated that teaching geography in general education can be used to present a more holistic way of looking at the world. The findings of this study are dedicated to the field of geography and general education, and we believe that we are somehow pioneers on research of forest therapy in Taiwan.
起訖頁 135-176
關鍵詞 地理教育五感知覺地理—心理人地關係通識教育森林療癒自我覺察geography educationfive sensesgeographical-psychologyman-land relationshipgeneral educationforest therapyself-awareness
刊名 地理研究  
期數 202305 (77期)
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學地理學系
該期刊-上一篇 非生物生態系服務於地質公園價值評估之應用:以利吉惡地地質公園為例




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