地理研究 Journal of Geographical Research |
201411 (61期)期所有篇 |
- 性別平等教育與社會學習領域人與空間主題軸的連結:以嘉義縣東石鄉牡蠣產業的女性空間為例 The Connection between the Gender Equity Education and the First Topic Axis: People and Space in Social Studies:the Example of Female Space of the Oyster Industry in Dong-Shih, Chia-Yi County
- 撒烏瓦知河岸部落的族群認同、社會資本與部落發展 Ethnic Identities, Social Capital and Tribal Development of Tribes of Riverbanks
- 雨水貯集量估算資訊化評估 The Assessment of Information Technology on Rainwater Storage Estimation
- 日本地理教育中的災害整備 Disaster Preparedness in Geography Education in Japan
- 應用志願性地理資訊於社區物種調查之研究 Application of Volunteered Geographic Information in Community-Based Species Investigation
- 築夢/逐夢咖啡館:論「溫師康」個性咖啡館的所在意涵 A Dream Café:The “Place” Meaning of the Personalized Café in “Wen-Shi-Kang” Area