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A Dream Café:The “Place” Meaning of the Personalized Café in “Wen-Shi-Kang” Area
作者 陳玟璇張峻嘉
咖啡原為舶來品,如今卻逐漸攻佔臺灣城市的大街小巷。雖然面對跨國企業競爭,臺北街頭的「個性咖啡館」依舊如雨後春筍般湧出,藏身在城市的幽靜巷弄間。喝杯咖啡,或許已成為現代城市人的休閒方式之一;然而流連於個性咖啡館中的消費族群,是否單純僅以「喝杯咖啡」做為目的?個性咖啡館的客觀空間,對於經營者和消費者而言,又具何意涵?回顧前人研究,多藉由量化的問卷調查做為研究取徑,並以符號消費做為詮釋方式。本研究試圖以人本主義地理學的角度切入,強調人的主體能動性,並選擇以個性咖啡館較多、且富人文歷史意涵的臺北「溫師康」作為研究區,透過流連此地咖啡館的人群作為訪談對象,了解其至咖啡館消費的行為動機與空間感受。此外,個性咖啡館有別於連鎖咖啡館之處在於店主試圖營造出自我特色,而FB粉絲團現今逐漸成為論述與行銷的管道,故本研究以個性咖啡館在FB粉絲團所傳達出的訊息做為分析對象,呈現店主所營造的咖啡館空間。本研究試圖以Yi-Fu Tuan關於「空間」與「所在」的論述為對話對象,梳理出消費者與經營者如何透過空間的感知與營造,逐漸將客觀的物理性空間轉變為具親切經驗的所在。
Café culture derives from the Western countries; however, today in Taiwan, it has already become a part of leisure life for many people. Interestingly, although there are so many chain stores in Taipei, the personalized café are still thriving. Identifying the reasons why people go to coffee shops has also become the main target for many researchers. With this research trend, there is more and more consumer behavior and marketing literature published. The current researches mainly focus on chain stores, their marketing and sign consumption as the principal. Most of them adopt the quantitative approach instead of discussing the personalized café’s space and explaining the experience by qualitative data. Therefore, it is imperative to make an alternative methodology to talk about the meaning of the personalized café's space. Taking 'Wen-Shi-Kang' in Taipei as my major research area, with a qualitative approach such as interview method and textual analyses of Facebook, this paper will argue that the concepts of humanistic geography on 'space' and 'place' which developed by Yi-Fu Tuan can provide a framework for explaining the meaning of personalized café in the city. This analysis shows that the personalized café is treated by personalized café's owner as a 'dream place'. The personalized café isn't merely a store, but also a place for sharing. And for the customers, physiology perspective and experience make 'space' transform into 'place'. Agreeing with the opinion 'place is multivariate, I also revise the meaning of space which defined by Tuan. Just as Doreen Massey said, place can be a dynamic movement.
起訖頁 105-127
關鍵詞 空間space所在place個性咖啡館personalized café溫師康Wen-Shi-Kang
刊名 地理研究  
期數 201411 (61期)
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學地理學系
該期刊-上一篇 應用志願性地理資訊於社區物種調查之研究




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