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The Connection between the Gender Equity Education and the First Topic Axis: People and Space in Social Studies:the Example of Female Space of the Oyster Industry in Dong-Shih, Chia-Yi County
作者 林聖欽高淑郁
This paper takes the case of the first Topic axis: people and space, and attempts to combine the possibility of the first Topic axis and Gender Equity Education. The concepts of feminist geography, gender division of labor, gendered space offer the possibility of the first Topic axis: people and space to link the Gender Equity Education. This paper tries to operate the gendered space concept with the oyster industry in Dong-shih, Chia-yi County. We can understand the men and women work place through the production and sale process of oyster industry. And we can realize the gender spaces through the social network of the men and women work place. This result can be effectively the first Topic axis: people and space to connect the Gender Equity Education, and provide a method for the investigation of gender space in everyday life.
起訖頁 1-26
關鍵詞 社會學習領域Social Studies性別平等教育Gender equity education性別化空間gender space牡蠣產業oyster industry東石鄉Dong-shih Township
刊名 地理研究  
期數 201411 (61期)
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學地理學系
該期刊-下一篇 撒烏瓦知河岸部落的族群認同、社會資本與部落發展




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