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The Assessment of Information Technology on Rainwater Storage Estimation
作者 高子文蔡元芳
Despite the plentiful rainfall, Taiwan fails to retain its water resources fully due to steep terrains; moreover, it is not so practical to build large reservoirs all over the small island. In the meantime, the varied rainfall types lead to the flooding of the north and the drought of the south owing to adequate rainfall in the north all the year and fierce rainfall in the south in Jul-Sep. Frankly speaking, campuses are the major social consumer of tap water and ought to serve as the model for water saving as well. Adequate planning for rainfall reuse on campus is a milestone for water saving. Nonetheless, it is complex and time-consuming to obtain the information and data relating to estimation of rainfall retained in terms of gauge, population, consumption, cumulative area and local rainfall types altogether. Thus, this study attempts to present how to build a digital system for campus rainfall reuse in terms of simulation under relevant information, data and estimation. A questionnaires survey pinpoints that it is pretty useful to obtain the cumulative estimate of rainfall retained by rapid computation and knowledge convey of the internet as well as promotion for rainfall reuse and water saving to the public.
起訖頁 53-67
關鍵詞 降雨測站rainfall observation station雨水利用rainwater use網際網路internet國小校園elementary school
刊名 地理研究  
期數 201411 (61期)
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學地理學系
該期刊-上一篇 撒烏瓦知河岸部落的族群認同、社會資本與部落發展
該期刊-下一篇 日本地理教育中的災害整備




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