長庚護理 Chang Gung Nursing |
200712 (18:4期)期所有篇 |
- 護理品質指標之建構 The Development of Nursing Quality Indicators
- 精神分裂病人之生命意義 Life Meaning of Patients with Schizophrenia
- 由護理人員觀點探討技術混合照護模式對臨床照護之影響 Exploring the Impact of the Skill Mix Model on Clinical Care from Nurses’ Perspectives
- 產褥期婦女之睡眠品質及其相關因素 The Quality of Sleep and Its Associated Factors in the Puerperium Women
- 長期照護機構老人之整體性護理 Holistic Nursing Care for the Elderly Residing in Long-term Care Institutions
- 磁性醫院概論 Introduction to Magnet Hospitals
- 自殺之理論 Theoretical Perspectives on Suicide
- 安全護衛護理專業與消費者--淺談護理人員專業檢定 Safeguarding the Professionalism and Consumer- Nurse’s Certification
- 簡易營養評估指引之介紹 Introduction of the “Malnutrition Universal Screening Tool”
- 下泌尿道症候群對婦女性功能與生活品質的衝擊 The Impact of Lower Urinary- Tract Symptoms on Sexual Function and Quality of Life in Women
- 提昇產房護理人員常用英語會話能力之方案 A Project to Promote English Conversation Ability among Delivery Room Nurses
- 提升氣切造口病患傷口護理之專案改善 Improvement Approach of Wound Care with Tracheostomy
- 一位心因性休克使用主動脈內氣球幫浦病患之護理經驗 Nursing Care for the Patient with Intra-Aortic Ballon Pump (IABP) Due to Cardiogenic Shock
- 照護一位慢性阻塞性肺病患者之護理經驗 The Nursing Experience of a Patient with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
- 一位雙胞胎妊娠之婦女住院安胎之護理經驗 The Nursing Experience of an Infertile Woman Who Had Twins’ Pregnancy during Tocolytic Hospitalizaiton
- 一位口腔癌病患之護理--身體心像護理模式之應用 Nursing Care for a Patient with Oral Cancer-- Application of Body Image Care Model
- 一位急性淋巴性白血病病患接受化學治療之護理經驗 Nursing Experience Concerning an Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Patient Undergoing Chemotherapy