長庚護理 Chang Gung Nursing |
201212 (23:4期)期所有篇 |
- 穴位按壓對中老年骨性膝關節病人之身體症狀和心理社會功能成效 The Effect of Acupressure on Outcomes of Physical Symptoms and Psychosocial Functions for Middle-Aged and Older Patient with Knee Osteoarthritis
- 護理科系學生職業生涯決定行為意向問卷之建構與測試 The Development and Testing of Nursing Undergraduate Students' Career Decision Making Behavior Intention Instrument
- 中風後病患的疲憊感 Post-stroke Fatigue
- 心衰竭患者之運動復健 Exercise-based Rehabilitation in Patients with Heart Failure
- 護理學生溝通能力之培育及省思 Reflection on Student Nurses' Communication Competence
- 漏斗胸納氏矯正手術護理指導之改善專案 Improvement of Nursing Instruction on “The Nuss Procedure for Pectus Excavatum”
- 改善心臟科門診病人跨院際轉診檢查之時效 Improving the Time Efficiency of Interdisciplinary Examination for the Referral Cardiologic Outpatients Across Hospitals
- 照護一位因胎兒染色體異常接受終止妊娠婦女之護理經驗 Woman with Fetal Chromosomal Abnormally Receiving Termination: A Nursing Experience
- 一位青少年脊髓小腦退化性動作協調障礙病患之護理經驗 Nursing Experience of Caring an Adolescent with Spinocerebellar Ataxia
- 探討一位母親照護呼吸器依賴病嬰從醫院到居家的過渡期經驗 The Experience of a Mother Caring for a Ventilator- Dependent Infant Transiting from Hospital to Home
- 照顧一位經歷莫拉克颱風之急性腦中風個案的護理經驗 Nursing Care Experience for a Victim of Typhoon Morakot who Suffered from Acute Stroke
- 照顧一位燒炭自殺顏面燒傷患者之護理經驗 Nursing Care Experience for a Suicide Patient with Facial Burn
- 照顧一位經歷風災後重建家庭之新移民婦女產後護理經驗 The Nursing Experience of Postpartum Care for an Immigrant Woman Who Lost Her Family in a Disaster and was Rebuilding a New Family
- 一位950公克極低體重早產兒併發呼吸窘迫之加護經驗 An Intensive Care Experience of a 950 gm Extreme Low Body Weight Prematurity Complicated with Respiratory Distress