互動電視申辦動機之研究--以中華電信MOD為例 A study on motivation of application unteractive TV for Chunghwa Telecommunication MOD
探討國軍主財人員工作壓力、工作滿意度、工作價值觀與組織承諾關聯性之認知 Discussing the association cognition of the national defense finacial personnel's work stree, work satisfaction,work value and organizational commitment
公營事業民營化之研究--以中華電信民營化為例 The Chinese Telecommunication privatization course bt way of case study
智慧資本對生產力影響之探討--以臺灣高科技產業為例 The impact of intellectual capital on the productivity : ab example of High-Tech industries in Twaiwan
臺灣地方性特色產業之分析 An Analysis on the Local Characteristic Industry in Taiwan
臺灣制度內金融與制度外金融之關係--以1990年代初期之金融自由化前為探討內容 The Relations between Formal and Informal The Relations between Formal and Informal ─ Limit the time before financialliberalization of the initial stage of 1990 times
國軍通用裝備零組件管理導入無線射頻辨識系統 (RFID) 關鍵成功因素之研究 A Study on the Critical Success Factors of Management for Applying RFID in Repair Parts of Military General Equipments