管理評論 Management Review |
200504 (24:2期)期所有篇 |
- 服務品質、滿意度與購買意圖關係之研究:層級干擾迴歸分析之應用 The Relationship Among Service Quality, Satisfaction, and Purchase Intentions: An Application of Hierarchical Moderator Regression Analysis
- 不確定所得下的保險與儲蓄決策 Evaluating Insurance and Savings-Related Decisions with Respect to Uncertain Income
- 網際網路顧客關係維繫之整合性模式 An Integrated Model for Customer Relationship Maintenance on the Internet
- 科技型與人際型服務接觸對關係利益的影響 The Impacts of Technology-Based and Interpersonal-Based Service Encounter on Relationship Benefits
- 機率密度函數風險值模型在臺灣店頭市場之實證研究 The Study on Value at Risk of Probability Density Functions in Taiwan OTC Market
- 財務報表簽證與私立大學校院營運效率之研究 Financial Statements Audit and Operating Efficiency of Private Universities