教師專業研究期刊 Journal of Professional Teachers |
201612 (12期)期所有篇 |
- 承諾感、工作敬業心與工作表現之關聯性:臺灣地區國小教師的實證研究 Relationship Among Commitment, Work Engagement, and Job Performance: An Empirical Study of Elementary School Teachers in Taiwan
- 中小學教師專業自主權與學生隱私權之衝突與調和 Conflict and Reconciliation between Teachers’ Professional Autonomy and Student Privacy in Secondary and Elementary Schools
- 國中學業競爭現象之研究:以新北市兩所國中為例 The Study on Academic Competition in Junior High Schools: Two cases from New Taipei City
- 非臨海特偏小校實施海洋教育之研究 The study of implementing marine education in a remote, landlocked school
- 單一專家決策的風險與挑戰:論風險社會下的教育政策制定特色 cGet Rid of Sole Expert: The Development of Educational Policy in the Context of Risk Society