學校行政 School Administrators |
201405 (91期)期所有篇 |
- 國小校長課程領導之實踐課題 Practical Themes of Curriculum Leadership for Principals in Elementary Schools
- 國民小學校長正向領導對教師學術樂觀影響之研究 - 以學校創新文化為中介變項 A Study of the Relationship among Principal ─ Positive Leadership, School Innovative Culture and Teacher Academic Optimism in Elementary Schools
- 從《心經》的智慧與思維模式探討校長領導 The Wisdom and Thinking Models of Heart Sutra for the Leadership of Principals
- 顧客關係管理的意涵及其對學校經營的啟示 The Implication of Customer Relationship Management Concept for School Management
- 國民中小學校長專業發展之研究 - 以彰化縣為例 A Study on the Professional Development of Primary and Secondary School Principals in Changhua County
- 幼兒園教師評鑑與教師專業發展之探討 The Relationship between Teacher Evaluation and Teacher’s Professional Development of Preschool
- 臺灣國民小學教師網路使用動機、使用行為與網路成癮之調查研究 A Study on the Motivation and Behavior of Internet Use, and Internet Addiction of Taiwan’s Elementary School Teachers
- 臺灣地區教師專業學習社群學位論文之分析 An Analysis on Dissertation of Teacher Professional Learning Community in Taiwan
- 十二五規劃下中國大陸高等教育的發展與挑戰:兼論其對我國教育政策之意涵 The Development and Challenges of China Higher Education in China’s 12th Five-Year Plan: How its Impact on the Open Policy of Mainland China Students Studying in Taiwan
- 從教育市場化探討偏遠地區學校因應之道 The Study of Remote Schools’ Administration and Management of Education Marketization