臺灣海洋法學報 Taiwan The Law of The Sea Review |
201912 (27期)期所有篇 |
- 2020國際商會國貿條款法制規範 Incoterms® 2020's New ICC International Trade Law
- 外籍漁船船員僱傭契約的管轄與準據法研究──本國法與歐盟法之比較 The International Jurisdiction and Applicable Law Issues of Employment Contract of Foreign Fishing Crew-Comparison between Taiwan and EU Law
- 海洋保護區治理的公平議題及其平等論述 Equity concerns of MPA governance and the discussions
- 從歷史觀點論析境外僱用外籍漁工的勞動權益保障 An Analysis on the Protection of Labor Rights and Interests of Foreign Migrant Workers from a Historical Perspective
- 船舶溫室氣體排放減量之新法趨勢與因應──兼論《零排放船舶過渡路徑》策略 Trend and response of the new legislation on the reduction of GHG emissions from ships - Also discussing on the strategy of "Zero-Emission Vessels Transition Pathways"
- 論我國海洋國家公園的傑出普遍價值暨其國際推廣 An analysis of Marine National Parks of Outstanding Universal Value in Taiwan in terms of Enhancing Their International Profile