臺灣海洋法學報 Taiwan The Law of The Sea Review |
201512 (23期)期所有篇 |
- 論臺灣海洋政策 A Study of Taiwan's Ocean Policy
- 跨界與高度洄游種群的保育與管理制度 The Conservation and Management Regime of Straddling and Highly Migratory Fish Stocks
- 論漁港之法律地位及其管理法制——兼論漁港法之修正 A Study on the legal Status of the Fishing Port and it's Administrative System
- 海商法的發展策略及其立法模式探討 A Probe into the Development Strategies and Law-making Methods for Maritime Law
- 漁業行政管制不確定科技證據之因應 The Resolution of Uncertain Scientific Evidence in Fishery Regulatory Affairs