清华法学 Tsinghua Law journal |
201311 (7:6期)期所有篇 |
- 專題絮語 Editorial
- 刑事訴訟法解釋論網 Outlines of Criminal Procedural Interpretation
- 刑事訴訟司法解釋的空間與界限 The Space and Boundary of Judicial Interpretation in Criminal Procedure
- 技術偵查:模糊授權抑或嚴格規制--以《人民檢察院刑事訴訟規則》第263條為中心 Technologicial Investigation:Indefinite Authorization or Rigorous Regulation--Reflections on Article 263 of the Criminal Procedural Rule of People's Procuratorate
- 法庭內的正義如何實現--最高人民法院刑事訴訟司法解釋中法庭紀律及相關規定 How to Achieve Justice in Courtroom?--Articulating Order in the Court with the Supreme People's Court's Criminal Procedural Interpretation
- 中國近代法制的世俗理性主義 Secular Rationalism in Modern Chinese Law
- 司法判例制度構建的法理基礎 The Jurisprudential Foundation of the Institution of Judicial Precedents
- 權利相對性理論及其爭論--以法國若斯蘭的「權利濫用」理論為引據 Debates on the Relativity of Rights--An Analysis Based on Louis Rosserand's ‘L’ abus de Droit'
- 論盜竊財產性利益 Theft and Offences of Intangible Property Interest
- 共犯從屬性理論的體系建構 A Systematical Doctrinization of Akzessorietat der Teilnahme
- 論情誼行為與民事法律行為的區分 A Comparison between Gefalligkeit and Civil Juristic Act