香港與臺北之間:李惠堂與兩岸三地的體育冷戰(1949-1979) Between Hong Kong and Taipei: Lee Wai-Tong and the Cold War in the Sports Field between the Mainland China, Taiwan and Hong Kong, 1949-1979
冷戰時代的美國與世局:徐復觀的當代新儒家觀點 Xu Fuguan on U.S. and the Cold War World: A New Confucian Perspective
冷戰時期香港「教育條例」修訂與私立專上院校發展(1948-1958) The Revisions of Education Ordinances and the Development of Post-Secondary College in Cold War Hong Kong. (1948-1958)
東亞冷戰下的流離轉徙:越南農民雙重革命中的日常生活 Displacement and Migration under the Cold War in East Asia: Daily Life in the Double Revolution of Vietnamese Peasants
冷戰與東亞安全架構的起源﹕以「美日安全保障條約」為中心(1947-1970) Cold War and the Origin of the East Asian Security System: On the Treaty of Mutual Cooperation and Security between the United States and Japan(1947-1970)